The Invisible Engine Behind the Modern CX
Contact centers generate an enormous amount of data in the course of handling customer interactions. Every connection and call are tracked, creating a web of information that includes details of what happened, when it happened, who participated, and how any issues were resolved. Call detail reports reflect the length of interactions, how long callers waited on hold, and how many transfers were involved. Other systems come into the picture as well, with details of any related digital interactions and the trails they leave.
Managers rely on this data for insight into both the performance of their agents and the satisfaction of their customers. It is a relatively simple matter to relate low customer satisfaction to long hold times, or to identify struggling performers from the details of a call. But in recent years, the amount and complexity of the data collected has exploded, largely because so many customer interactions now have a digital component. There is now so much information available from such a wide variety of sources that it is more than many organizations can easily understand and put to use.